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National Heritage Open Days

Saturday 10th September 2022

After the success of last year, we took part once again in the National Heritage Open Day. Despite School Lane having notices at either end indicating that the road was closed, we entertained a good number of folk who ignored the signs and found that School Lane was indeed open and St Stephen’s ready to receive visitors!

The weather was very kind to us after a week of rain. The sun shone with just a mild breeze, so the tower saw a steady stream of people ready to make the climb and enjoy the views from the top. While most people who visited were fairly local, we had one Dutch couple who were walking around the British Isles and stopped for refreshments with us.

Our history banners were again on display engaging visitors in our local history. Some visitors spoke to our local historians and were able to add their own personal memories inspired by the posters.

Refreshments were served with a wide variety of homemade goodies - always very well received. And the children who came, enjoyed taking bug pots and magnifiers into the churchyard to spot and gather minibeasts!



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