Youngsters and their families enjoyed a fun churchyard safari, hunting for minibeasts, before crafting their own spectacular dragonflies and butterflies to take home.
The event, on Saturday 14 August, also starred local beekeeper Professor Bill Tamblyn, who looks after a hive of bees in the churchyard and who chatted to visitors about his fascinating hobby. His frame of live bees created quite a stir and his jars of St Stephen’s honey (sold in aid of church funds) were much in demand.
Armed with bug pots and magnifying glasses, the intrepid minibeast hunters combed the churchyard, looking in undergrowth and under stones to discover a fascinating array of bugs - from dragonflies and damselflies to ladybirds, millipedes and woodlice. Several large grasshoppers were captured and studied in close-up detail. An impressive wolf-spider caused mild panic when it was proudly brought into the church by its young finder! All were released safely back into the wild.
A fun and educational day which was enjoyed by all who took part.
Many thanks to PCC members and project volunteers for all their hard work in making these events possible and to local people for supporting them.
See Gallery for more photos: