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Operation Churchyard

Phase two of Operation Churchyard took place on a cold, but infinitely brighter day than phase one! Our band of volunteers, well wrapped up against the cold, began work in the upper part of the churchyard, cutting back the shrubbery and taking care not to damage the carpet of snowdrops that became evident.

The work progressed at pace but there was time for a cup of coffee and a chat!

Down at the bottom of the churchyard, the work continued to uncover the stunning view. Bill will be able to get to the bees now without having to do battle with the brambles!

The bonfire was lit again and eagerly consumed the mountain of waste generated.

Sylvia and Alan provided some delicious soup for the lunchtime break, fortifying the volunteers for the afternoon session.

Since the first phase we have had several favourable comments regarding the transformation. Why not download one of the walks from the website, drive to St Stephen’s carpark and take in the view. Don’t forget your picnic to enjoy on our new benches!

Phase three of the project will take place on Saturday 5th March at 10.00 am.

Come and join us, you will be most welcome; power tools welcome too!


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